Our most important information and offers
Here you will find current information about our offer, our services etc.
We have compiled a quick overview of the most important facts in this info flyer.
Select your Hammerwirt offer.
New Year’s Eve Party at the Hammerwirt: join us celebrating the New Year 2019.
Spending Easter time with the Hammerwirt means pure joy.
Spend some unforgettable days at the “Hammerwirt” and explore the numerous points of interest that Chiemgau, Berchtesgadener Land and near-by Salzburg have to offer.
Spend 4 nights from mid of September until mid of October with many extras.
Spend 3 nights from mid of January until the end of April and enjoy.
Hotel Gasthof Hörterer “Der Hammerwirt”
Schmiedstr. 1
83313 Hammer/Siegsdorf
Phone +49 (0) 8662 667 0
Fax +49 (0) 8662 667 199
Email: info@der-hammerwirt.de